Thursday, October 24, 2013

Wednesday, 23 October 2013, We focus on why we are here

After months of research at home, hounding all known relatives for information, searching using and other search engines, consulting with genealogy experts, we arrive in Roccabascerana to research the town records for data about the Parrellas, Principis, and Cavutos. Town records are selected because church records do not cover all of the hamlets in Roccabascerana: like Rocca and Cassano Caudino, the church records only cover the parish of the church. Thus, we begin by going to the town clerk's office. We are assisted by a genalogy researcher from Naples, Alfredo Franco. Alfredo is employed by a US based organization that specializes in assisting Italians, "My Italian Family." Besides being an expert in genealogy reseach, he speaks Italian, Niether I nor Linda do. My Italian Family will provide us with a book that has pictures of all records, pictures of locations, the family tree built by our efforts, and paths to follow for further research.

Linda enters the limits of the Town of Roccabascerana

Linda about to enter the Town Clerk's Office

Roccabascerana's Banner.

Linda consults with Alfredo Franco as state of researh, her observations and what is to be done.

......and now we need...

The town clerk and one of his assistants.

Searching fragel page by fragel page.

Maybe this binder from 1870

Finding Parrellas

Are we following the correct family line.

We are finding that the Parrellas and Principes are located in Cassano Caudin, Cavuotos in Rocca.

Crecenzo Parrella

Linda leaves Town Offices.

The tree that dominates the picture upper left has been there for more than 200 years. Assunta would have seen it when 100 years.

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