Today, Sunday, we will attend Mass and go to Communion at St Peter's Basilica. We hope, following the Mass, to join thousands to whom the Pope will speak and extend a blessing. We rise early, have breakfast, check out of the hotel (we go to Naples this PM), and get a taxi to take us to St Peter's. The streets are blocked near the Vatican, so we walk the last mile. We are early, Mass begins in an hour, and the Pope is set to appear nearly 4 hours later, 12:00 PM. We are not sure we will be able to do any of that for which we have come.
Mussolini's Avenue to St Peter's is quiet as we walk Via della Counciliazione to the Basilica. |
As we enter the line of those seeking to enter the Basilica to attend Mass, we see the early arrivees gathering in hopes of seeing the Pope. |
We get to attend Mass and recieve Communion. We offer our attendence for our families and in thanksgiving for being able to be there. |
The Mass was offered in back of the main alter. This is looking back to the main alter, which is used only by the Pope. |
The alter where we attended Mass and recieved Communion. |
The canopy over the main alter. |
Linda reaches for holly water as we prepare to leave the Basilica to go to the Square. |
Vatican City's Heraldry Shield. |
The Swiss Guard keeping things in order for the anticipated appearance of the Pope. |
The crowd is now growing and the excitement is palpable. Will he appear. |
The Pope's carpet is dropped. The Pope will be appearing today! And, we are there. |
The crowd has now become huge...more than 250, all directions. |
Anticipation grows. Banners are everywhere. Songs are sung. Everyone looks to the second window from the rightmost. |
The Pope appears and speaks. In his talk Linda's family, the Sassis, is mentioned to the cheers of those there with a banner from San Giovanni in Persiceto, Linda's family town. Yes, we did hear it right. We are seeking a translation of what was said. Nona is in near tears. |
The Pope is about to bless the crowd. We bow and make the sign of the cross. |
Once the Pope concludes, the bells of St Peter's ring in joy. We are stunned at what happened. |
We leave in disbelief we were there and what happened. |